Peeling Back the Uniform: A Glimpse into the Life of a PCSO
11 Great Films and TV Series Featuring Prominent Disabled Characters
Tory Leadership Hopefuls Fail to Address Disabled People’s Issues in Leadership Bids
Maisie Summers-Newton Shines at Paris Paralympics: Defends Gold Medals and Prepares for a Bright Future
“The Mountain Within Me”: A Triumph Over Adversity
Hurricane Helene Rescues at Unicoi County Hospital
Farewell to a Legend: Dame Maggie Smith Passes Away at 89
DWP Admits to ‘Shocking’ Failure in Appointing Chief Medical Adviser
DWP Plans to Replace Regular Disability Payments with One-Off Grants Spark Major Backlash
EU’s New Disability Cards Ease Cross-Border Travel for Individuals with Disabilities
Nike’s New Accessible Backpack Champions Inclusion
Adaptive Kidswear: Get to Know What’s Available Online
Slick Chicks: Disability-Inclusive Apparel Designed to Empower
Sky Cubacub: Promoting Queer and Disabled Identities Through Fashion
Inclusive Denim: Innovating the Denim Space
Transformative Adaptive Sports Empower Veterans on Their Healing Journey
Groups for Paris 2024 Paralympic Games Wheelchair Basketball Revealed
Life, struggles, and triumphs of Jessica Long
Emotions, Victories, and Overcoming: The Unforgettable Moments of the Paralympic Games
How a Robotic Exoskeleton is Helping Paralysis Patients Walk Again
7 Brilliant Disability Hacks for Enhanced Everyday Living
Removing barriers to gaming
Air4All enables travel equality for the disabled community
The Benefits of Technology for People with Disabilities
Starbucks and its commitment to accessibility: Creating inclusive spaces for everyone
Aarti Sahgal: Creating A World In Which People With Disabilities Belong
Unveiling P+US App (Plus News): A Revolutionary Leap in Inclusive Media!
Embracing Your Disability Identity: Celebrating Diversity and Empowering Change
Feeling Like an Outsider in Both Disabled and Queer Spaces
Finding Love Online With a Disability
Samson Patience: Using Music to be Heard and Recognized
Finding a job can be a challenge for anyone, but people with disabilities face additional barriers in their search for employment. Physical and attitudinal barriers can...