Born in Siberia, Russia, Jessica Long faced an uphill battle from the start. Fibular hemimelia, a rare condition affecting her leg development, presented an immense challenge...
On August 28, the opening ceremony of the Paris Paralympic Games will commence. This event celebrates the skill, perseverance, and passion of athletes with disabilities. All...
The remarkable journey of Don Elgin is truly inspiring. According to three-time Paralympian Don Elgin, life is about simply getting on with it. This is exactly...
Hansel Enmanuel is a true embodiment of inspiration, defying all odds to excel. Not only is he a viral internet star, college student, and immigrant to...
Global fitness company Anytime Fitness has a new goal of shifting its gym brand to be and feel more inclusive via a new campaign titled, ‘Any...
Polish Amputee Marcin Oleksy Won the 2022 FIFA Puskas Award for the Best Goal Following an Unbelievable Scissor Kick in the PZU Amp Futbol Ekstraklasa 2022 At...
Last month, we began our Trailblazers series by focusing on some of the most successful celebrities who also happen also to have a disability, chronic condition...