GenB TV, the UK’s largest Black British TV channel, celebrated Black British excellence with the launch of its groundbreaking Black Heroes exhibition at OUTERNET London. The...
Curtis McGrath’s recent social media posts have sparked a conversation about how we talk about Para-athletes. Initially, McGrath announced he would not be participating in the...
The founder and chairperson of the neurodiversity charity Neurodiversity in Business has ignited a powerful online movement after sharing a deeply personal and emotional experience. The...
In the heart of Texas, a father’s love for his daughter has transformed the landscape of inclusivity and play. Gordon Hartman, a successful homebuilder, traded his...
The stage is set for an exhilarating Wheelchair Basketball competition at the Paris 2024 Paralympic Games. On Friday, June 14, 2024, at the iconic Stade Charléty...
Conjoined twins Abby and Brittany Hensel, famous for their unique life journey, have recently addressed a wave of online scrutiny following the revelation of Abby’s marriage...
The EU disability card is a recent effort from the European Union, which has a long history of upholding inclusion and human rights. This card, which...
Born in Siberia, Russia, Jessica Long faced an uphill battle from the start. Fibular hemimelia, a rare condition affecting her leg development, presented an immense challenge...
Starbucks Coffee Company announced on February 14th that it will leverage its growing store presence to support and promote the inclusion of partners, clients, and communities...
Kevin Williams, a Colorado civil rights attorney who spent his career fighting for the rights of people with disabilities, died on February 10, 2024 after a...