In the heart of Texas, a father’s love for his daughter has transformed the landscape of inclusivity and play. Gordon Hartman, a successful homebuilder, traded his...
Conjoined twins Abby and Brittany Hensel, famous for their unique life journey, have recently addressed a wave of online scrutiny following the revelation of Abby’s marriage...
The Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) has ignited a storm of controversy with its latest proposal to overhaul the personal independence payment (PIP) system. The...
The world often celebrates success, but true inspiration often lies in overcoming adversity. These five individuals, all prominent figures in their respective fields, have defied limitations...
In the ever-evolving path of navigating life with a disability, fostering growth and well-being is paramount, all while avoiding the pitfalls of burnout. Below are 7...
As a person with a disability, effectively advocating for your rights and needs is crucial for ensuring equal opportunities and overcoming barriers. Communication, assertiveness, and seeking...
Living with a disability brings forth unique challenges, yet it also bestows upon individuals a remarkable strength that renders them truly invincible. Let’s explore nine empowering...
Campaigners have faced a disappointing outcome in their High Court battle against the government’s decision not to implement evacuation plans for disabled residents living in high-rise...
Disability and employment issues have received increasing attention in recent years as companies strive to create inclusive work environments. However, despite efforts to promote diversity and...
Ten years on from the launch of LEGO Friends, the collection of toys featuring specially designed characters, LEGO Group has re-imagined the Friends Universe to encourage...