In the heart of Texas, a father’s love for his daughter has transformed the landscape of inclusivity and play. Gordon Hartman, a successful homebuilder, traded his...
The Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) has ignited a storm of controversy with its latest proposal to overhaul the personal independence payment (PIP) system. The...
In our modern, interconnected world, inclusivity has moved beyond being an option—it’s now a fundamental necessity. Companies that acknowledge and cater to diverse communities, including individuals...
Disability and employment issues have received increasing attention in recent years as companies strive to create inclusive work environments. However, despite efforts to promote diversity and...
Traveling can be an exciting and enriching experience, but for disabled travelers, it can also be daunting. Whether you have a physical disability, a visual impairment,...
Airline travel can be an ableist space. Moving around busy airports and boarding planes can be overwhelming, especially if you have to get in and out...
Javeno McLean is a next-level personal trainer. This man is changing the fitness industry wholeheartedly with his sensitive approach to exercise that is capturing the hearts...
The Disabled and Proud podcast is a show by the incredibly inspiring adaptive athlete Brooke Millhouse. It takes listeners on a wonderful audio journey that focuses...
Paralysed man able to walk using implant that reads brainwaves. In 2011, Gert-Jan Oskam’s life took a drastic turn when a cycling accident left him paralysed....
Marks and Spencer, Tubie Kids and Seenin are just a few brands investing in adaptive kidswear Both big brands like M&S and Etsy as well as...